Cette formation a pour objectif de former les praticiens au concept “Zero Bone Loss” développé par le Pr Tomas Linkevicius.
Ce protocole, assis sur des bases scientifiques solides, vise au maintien de l’os crestal peri- implantaire.
Vous pourrez discuter à loisir avec le Pr Linkevicius au cours de ces 3 jours intenses de formation, à la fois théoriques mais aussi pratiques puisque des travaux pratiques sont prévus chaque jour, avec des modèles mais aussi sur mâchoire de porc.
Jour 1 – Delayed implants
Development of crestal bone stability by surgical means
Influence of vertical soft tissues on crestal bone stability. Does platform switching save the bone? Influence of implant placement depth on crestal bone stability. What is the importance of implant-abutment connection stability? Bone remineralization and corticalisation processes in thick tissues.
4 novel methods to increase vertical soft tissues thickness :
- Subcrestal implant placement Flattening the alveolar bone/li>
- Flattening the alveolar bone
- “Tent pole“ technique
- Vertical soft tissues thickening
Jour 2 – Immediate implants
- Rationale for immediate implant placement.
- Why should we do immediate implants?
- Why immediate implants are still considered risky?
- Why are immediate implants successful?
- Osseointegration profile and peri-implant tissues
- Primary stability and crestal bone levels
- Immediate implant placemet in molar region. Implant depth, stability, bone grafting, healing abutments and soft tissue grafting
- Type A, B, C
- Immediate premolars
- Immediate implants in anterior region Complications, which could be avoided
Jour 3 – Immediate implants
How to control cement remnants after cementation. Supragingival margins and individual abutments. Relation between cement and peri-implant disease. Screw-retained restorations. Which cement is most suitablefor cementationof Ti-Bases?
Subgingival prosthetic materials. Zirconia, titanium, ceramics, which is better. Use of ultra-polishedzirconia for implant restorations. Composition of peri-implant soft tissues. Supragingival materials. Ceramics, emax, monolithic Zr, where to use and why?
Vilnius Park Plaza Hotel
M. K. Ciurlionio 84
LT03100 Vilnius, Lithuanie
Pour qui?
Chirurgiens-dentistes ayant déjà une pratique régulière de la chirurgie implantaire
Format :
3 jours
Nombre de participants :
Maximum 10
Demandes d’information :